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John Doe
Aspiring (Yet Uninspired) Software Engineer
About me
Meet John Doe, the software engineer who dreams big but codes... occasionally. With a passion for the lucrative side of coding, John's motto is, "Why work hard when you can hardly work?" He's an avid fan of Rust, not because he knows it, but because he's heard it's the next big thing. He's got all the Rust books, stickers, and even a Rust-themed coffee mug, but ask him to write a line of Rust code, and he'll probably Google it. Dive into his portfolio, and you'll find a collection of unfinished projects, half-baked ideas, and a sincere wish to someday, maybe, possibly, learn Rust. If only it wasn't so darn challenging!
Employment History
Chief Procrastination Officer (CPO), LazyTech Innovations
January 2019 - Present

Oversaw the strategic delay of projects, ensuring they were always postponed to the last possible moment. Pioneered the "I'll do it tomorrow" framework, which, unsurprisingly, is yet to be implemented.

Lead Rust Evangelist (Without Actual Rust Knowledge), Rustic Dreams Inc.
January 2018 - January 2019

Promoted the wonders of Rust to anyone who'd listen, armed with buzzwords and a vague understanding. Managed to convince the team to adopt Rust, then promptly outsourced the actual coding to someone who knew what they were doing.

School of Rock
January 2019 - Present
Procrastination-driven Development
Bookmarking Rust tutorials
Attending Rust conferences for the free swag.
Meditative Napping